Wednesday, 18 November 2009

what's happeneing?

Jessica Murray

Recently I was asked to a short overview for 2010 for a magazine, and I looked at the transits of both Saturn and Jupiter, specifically. Just plotting where these two planets will be gives a great insight into our experience. Saturn through Virgo corresponded with the credit crunch and global recession, and brought a kind of mindfullness about frugality, make do and mend and taking care of health issues. Recently there have been debates on swine flu, care of older people etc. Virgo is concerned with these matters and also, being ruled by Mercury, communication, research and so forth. Excess and waste is not what Virgo is about and Saturn restricts and restrains even further.

So 2010 is likely to bring its own challenges and the summer months could be quite dramatic. For in depth views regarding this, it's worth checking out Jessica Murray's writings, as above.

Meanwhile I am staring out the window at an impossibly wet and dreary day. Typical November!

Sunday, 8 November 2009



shop name Cherry Tree !

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

going back to the beginning

I was lucky to grow up in the country side, and I could play in the woods and down by the river, which indeed I did. I can't remember being told what I couldn't do which gave me a pretty amazing freedom, probably not available to kids these days. In such a background, there was a seamless link to my world and the world of Grimm's fairytales and strange woodland tales of elves and the secret elementals who live in these places.
It may comes as no surprise then that one of my memories was waking up in bed at night (I must have been about 6) and there, at the bottom of my bed was a strange glow of light, bright enough to illuminate the paisley pattern on my eiderdown but not enough to fill the room with light. In the midst of this danced 5 or 6 transparent, gossamer like fairy creatures, hovering about six inches above the bed. I watched in amazement for several minutes, making sure I was wide awake. I closed and opened my eyes again and they were still there.

I told my mother of this spectacle and she wasn't surprised at all and totally accepting. I have never doubted it myself, but was loathe to share the experience with too many people. Until now. Neptune has just turned direct so perhaps more revelations to come.