Sunday, 14 March 2010

new videos

Youtube have been changing their site again so the new video is showing Sagittarius,but of course all the signs are there. Boy was it windy this time! But I think the wind noise drowned out the aeroplane noise!

I have decided to write the daily for Saturday as a double entry to include Saturday and Sunday, and this is slightly longer than just the single daily.

I am remaining very busy and it's great to get feedback from people weeks later, keeping me posted after they have had a reading about how certain things are turning out. It's a big deal to have an astrologer look at your chart and something that you want to consider carefully. The good news is that nobody has ever regretted it, at least when I have done a reading or consultation, which is as it should be. Be aware of scams on the internet and make sure you can check the credentials of who is doing your reading.

I am proud that I am a Fellow of the Association of Professional Astrologers International, which only accepts fully qualified astrologers.

When is a good time to get a reading? Anytime!

Sunday, 28 February 2010


Here we are and another month has gone. and it still feels wintery. Caught the snow again in the latest video although this was filmed last week. A few snowdrops are showing themselves now but no signs of daffodils yet.

I have had many people getting in touch for a twelve month forecast - I think people instinctively feel it is a time of change and uncertainty and a heads of of what's coming. It promises to be quite a volatile year, and we have already seen some massive earth changes, with icebergs the size of Luxembourg and the two huge earthquakes this last few weeks.

Sunday, 31 January 2010


Although yesterday was glorious with a beautiful clear blue sky and it being a Saturday, unfortunately my other half, Simon, who does the filming for the videos, managed to delete some important files off the computer. He spent a frustrating few hours downloading software to try and retrieve said important stuff and was unable to. Fortunately, Monday's film was still on the camera so we didn't have to do it again but it made me realise how hazardous this is! We must be mad! The weather had been really too grim to go out and film until yesterday and while we end up with a 10 minute long film for youtube, most of that time is spent waiting for the noisy aircraft to get out of the sky!

Screeches from buzzards and sparrow hawks, the tinkling of a stream or the rush of wind or dogs barking is fine, but aeroplanes are a big no no!

Right from the start, we had the view that astrology is so all encompassing, it seems somehow a little contrived to do the horoscopes from a nice safe studio space with no connection to the world outside, so we have a deliberate policy to include the elements and the seasons, and so give people around the world the experience of our neck of the woods. Sadly the disconnect from the real natural world is a little thin for many, so this is our way of giving it back to people again. Maybe the actual horoscopes then become kind of incidental.

And now he has been out again first thing doing more filming to replace that which was lost. It's a labour of love. But the results are great!

Monday, 25 January 2010

time flies

but we are still in winter. First little shoots are appearing and I am thinking of compost heaps. Wow that is a complicated subject!

pic is of a little dog I made the other day. I think this move of Jupiter into Pisces is going to get everyone's creative juices flowing, to be honest, not to mention helping out as much as possible with the victims of Haiti (occuring just around the eclipse in Capricorn).

Thursday, 14 January 2010

new year and all that

We expect things to be different and with expectations comes results. Really we make the stuff in our lives, but sometimes fate/nature comes along and changes things and we are back down the pecking order of the universe again. So along came the snow.

Personally, I love it, it's magical,beautiful and covers a multitude of dying vegetation and grey pavements, but of course there are those who see this amazing natural phenomena as the enemy with which they do battle.

And then there are the truly awful disasters like the earthquake in Haiiti. How unbelievably devastating. The only good out of this is the desire for people from all over the world to send out practical help and the need to make things better. If nothing else, an awareness of someone else's tragedy links us to all humanity.

And then there is gratitude. I am grateful that I have a wonderful family, my health and the ability to reason. Hmm it's all quite sobering.