Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Broad beans and Libra Moon

At last the season of broad beans is here! I used to not be fond of these fat beans encased in their strange furry pods but we had pasta, bacon, mint with broad beans for supper. Yum. Recipe is here

It rained heavily last night, which means I don't have to water today and yet the South East has heatwave warnings.

Today the Moon is in Libra and linking with Jupiter and Mercury - all in air signs for communication. Getting over your highest visions, the dreams of what could be and becoming aware of what is truly creative and fantastic gives a real lift to the spirit. Decided to be friendly with everyone I came across, like the lady in the flowershop; we had a little chat about the importance of having flowers around, and sometimes you have to treat yourself, which I have., now that Amy's flower eating cat, Mr D'Arcy has gone home.

This evening, we have another cat guest to stay, Ayesha the elderly siamese with her own unique foibles.

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