Thought I would check out where Mercury is today (22 degrees in Virgo sextiling Mars in Cancer). Today the London Evening Standard is going to be FREE. I have never read this paper but understand, as the editor has just said that Londoners are by and large a sophisticated lot and enjoy their 'proper' newspaper, rather than the usual slightly downmarket freebies. But of course, it will only be free to readers since they will then have to go through loads of advertising to get to the bits of news and the newspaper itself will have a rather good revenue stream. Wonder if others will follow suit?
A bit like websites really. We decided from the start that we wouldn't have banner ads, and other stuff that websites are jammed with now, and we have borne the cost of running and her sister sites for over a decade, so it is always with gratitude that I get orders from people for readings, forecasts etc. This ensures that the hosting costs are paid and the website pays for itself. Sad but necessary in these times. And of course the dailies, and monthlies are here too. I have to be a bit passionate about what I am doing and I KNOW there are many people out there who do love my services. So it was great to get the following this week: 'Thank you Annabel for the answer to my question. I have listened to it 3 times now today and am hearing more with every go....I became instantly so very glad that I wrote to you, because it just hit the spot- you understand so well and your entire message was really taken to
So what about Mercury? Well this planet symbolises the written word, information, newspapers and commerce - all rather integral I would say, although Jupiter usually refers to publishing (as in bigger books that have more permanence). Linking to Mars? Bringing it all home, tribal family gatherings, activity, linking to the past.
Spies overhead
6 hours ago
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