Monday, 26 October 2009

what's happening?

Many people have said what strange times we are living in at the moment, and I'm aware that I haven't blogged for a while. Distractions mean that my focus has been elsewhere and exploring all sorts of possibilities. A friend of mine is experiencing a growth in her business and finding that much gets more. A news item on the BBC today showed that all you can eat buffets are booming! so much for lean times and hardships!

I am discovering the huge amount of food available just now from excesses (yes, chestnuts are falling form trees and being swept away as garbage until I came along and gathered some up and made a wonderful vegetarian burger with tofu and sprouted mung beans)

so what's happening? Saturn is moving out of Virgo and into Libra and we can use our natural creativity to find solutions to problems. Cooperation and sharing of resources means that everyone benefits.

I had an intriguing link to a past life this weekend, which has helped me understand some things. Astrology is the key.

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