It's strange that every year Autumn starts on 1st of September. It's like we are programmed at the start of the school year to think falling leaves, iron grey skies and a drop in the temperature so goodbye summer and hello to Christmas cards in the shops. How scary!.
My neighbour gave me a box of plums so I have been attempting to make chutney. It's turned out fine if a little runny and of course there is satisfaction in getting something for nothing. Like the internet.
There are likely to be more subscription websites and web owners try to claw back the ever increasing costs of running a website. Mine has been free for over 10 years with daily changing content (some commitment!) and in that time my kids have grown up, gone to Uni, left home, got jobs and homes of their own and settling down. And I continue to write my daily horoscopes! In all that time youtube, facebook, twitter and all have come into being, iphones have been invented with itunes etc, peace has come to Northern Ireland, and a war still rages in Afghanistan, Michael Jackson has died, and we have a black American president, we are using plants for fuel, and chickens are horribly intensively reared (room for improvement there) and the ice is melting.
A woman on the radio was talking about giving up writing weekly column after 30 years, but daily is something else. And of course there are the weekly video horoscopes. Soon I will be doing longer and more detailed versions for those who wish to subscribe to Astrology Secret, and we will continue to film in the outdoors, whatever the weather to give a real feeling of being connected to the real world, rather than the safety of an artificial studio environment. The underlying message is that astrology is about real life with its sunshine and showers.
Spies overhead
5 hours ago
I love your weekly horoscopes filmed outdoors. It's also so nice to hear instead of reading. You are looking at the camera, trying to reach every person who is watching the video. It's something really special. And you always choose nice surroundings and the camera man let us see that life around closer, the air, the nature, the sounds. Some time in the future we'll be able to smell it. Maybe.
ReplyDeleteThanks for that! and yes, I do try to speak to everyone, wherever they are in surroundings that may be completely different than what we film