Monday, 21 September 2009

Equinox time

Yes, it is only 3 months until the shortest day and I have been busy!

My latest scarf is done, inspired by the amazing Sophie Digard, and yesterday I salvaged some fading hydrangeas from my non-garden to make a nice display with wild rose hips, ivy and something else. I wanted to make an effort as my dear old tutor was coming for tea. He is like the original Dumbeldore and deserves freshly brewed Assam tea in a china cup with freshly made cup cakes (recipe from the Hummingbird Bakery cookery book) and of course fresh flowers.

It was wonderful catching up and see how everyone is coping with the Saturn/Uranus opposition. this has stirred things up and the paradoxes are aplenty with some crazy ideas. Out of all this chaos a new way of being will emerge and I am confident that while there are plenty who are of the same mind set as me (caring about the planet, each other, the need for personal responsibility, the re emergence of frugality and thrift, the honouring of the precious and old, there is a equally opposing mind set who do not care about the planet (witness those who chuck litter out of their cars for starters) who blame the government,their parents, the rest of the world for their current dissatisfaction, and who spend lavishly on the latest gadget or gizmo just because it is the latest and simply put themselves first, end of.

So this is where we are at now, with choices (aren't we lucky!) and maybe having to do things differently but enriched because of it. I always think that if something comes easy it's not appreciated, but that maybe just me. Still, while I can appreciate the flight of a dragonfly, smell the damp of the earth and feel gratitude for a sunset after a lovely day then I'm happy. (and secretly I had a bit of a splurge with my daughter on Saturday and we did the girly thing of trying on stuff, and even bought a pick and mix with nougat and fudge, yummy...)


  1. My hydrangeas have the same colour as yours now... I guess most of them look like this now.

    For many people it's just easier to blame others. Yes, we can blame others for some things, but this shouldn't be the rule. My son tends to act so and I tell him always he can't be angry with me when he isn't able to do something well, to put an example. Well, he is 7 and he doesn't like listening to such things. But hopefully he'll understand as he grows up.

    I also think we don't appreciate things so much if they come too easily. But there is indeed so much in the world we don't need to pay for, so much we can enjoy...

    BTW, I'm always a bit surprised that no one else comments your posts. Haven't the people realised that you write a blog?

  2. good question! It could be because it's a click away from the main page. Still, I always appreciate your comments so thanks for posting. A seven year old is an interesting age, and yes he will get it as he grows up, especially with a Mum like you x
