One of the things I enjoy doing more than anything else is consulting with clients. Although my website is world wide, still people contact me from a few miles away, who have never found it, and we have a telephone consultation. With the plethora of ghastly premium rate services where people have to take a random stab at picking a consultant who may be less than experienced, incompetent and at best vague and under pressure to keep you on the phone, the relaxed and uplifting conversation I have with people who get in touch is one that we both gain so much from.
If I had to choose an astrologer or a psychic, I would find the experience daunting. I would want someone who is skilled,professional, warm and caring, and accurate. How would you pick that out of the countless ads and hype on the web and in magazines? Personal recommendation is invaluable too, and some people come to me through contacts I have made previously .
David was one. He had worked for years in a business where the owner was retiring and he had been offered first refusal on buying it. He wasn't sure whether he could take on the responsibility and whether this was the right time, so we looked at his chart and planned the best approach with this. Together we worked out a solution and I gave him tips and links to business advice that he would need. He was delighted that this astrology lark wasn't just a load of mumbo jumbo, and went away fired up that this was indeed a golden opportunity for him.
And then there are those who need relationship advice, people who are stuck, people who want to know the all important WHEN something is likely to come into being, and so on.
I use so many different skills and experience to help people with their lives, and draw on my knowledge of self employment, being a parent, being widowed, being divorced, being creative, being on TV, being curious about the world and being a little bit psychic (who isn't?).
Here is a secret - I am far more likely to be reading historical novels and thrillers, magazines like Country Living,and Psychologies than Prediction or Spirit and Destiny.
At one point I read loads of self help books by people like Louise Hay, Susan Jeffers, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra etc. and then I figured to leave all that, read Bill Bryson, Tess Gerritsen and Khaled Hosseini and work out my own spiritual and philosophical viewpoint. Now I feel authentic, probably politically incorrect, definitely imperfect, but by and large guilt free and happy. But then I understand my birth chart and live with all of it, good, bad and ugly.
And now it is fun Saturday - time to shop!
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5 hours ago
This is indeed a beautiful post! And you reflect all this in your video horoscopes. Really nice being so full of things, accepting yourself as you are and being able to give so much to others.
ReplyDeleteand that's key, self acceptance - thanks for your comment duschgel